komputer.space — explore

There are already a lot of independent toolmakers out there. Here is a growing list of those who inspired the komputer.space project and/or use a similar approach to creative computing:

→ Designer Tim Rodenbröker offers online courses and learning material for a community-based approach to creative coding and is committed to a critical and open approach to digital technologies. [timrodenbroeker.de]

→ The Frankfurt design studio Schultzschultz regularly experiments with playful design tools developed in-house and makes them available on its own website. [schultzschultz.com/tools]

→ Julian Hespenheide is a generative designer and shares process-based experiments that combine digital aesthetics and individual hardware. [instagram.com/julian_hespenheide]

→ The Berlin design studio Burrow is developing a tool with a generative approach to font design. [burrowlab.com]